Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's upcycling tip: Spring cleaning!

Upcycled Linen Blouse at Poor Jean

If the spring cleaning bug has bitten you, chances are there are some household items and articles of clothing that are sitting in a box, waiting to be dropped off at the local Goodwill. Before you toss out those old boot-cut jeans and teal placemats look at them with a critical eye - an eye for scavenging.  That shoulder-padded button down blouse may be ugly, but what about the buttons?  Pull them off and put in your button jar.  Jeans with out-of-style shapes can be made into shorts, like these Urban Renewal Lace Shorts a Urban Outfitters or these Tomboy Crops at Anthropologie. Try cutting off the back pockets and sewing them to a heavy piece of canvas to make a handy pocket office organizer.  Old neckties are now being upcycled into amazing creations, like this Neck Tie Belt by Berry Unconventional or these super creative half-aprons by Forevercraftydotcom

Finally, I leave you with this fantastic example of spring cleaning upcycling - a T-shirt by Mountain Girl Clothing.  Enjoy!

- PJ

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning our unique 1/2 tie aprons by Forevercrafty. I look forward to following you :) Follow me too on my photography blog :)
